Watch: Insider Secrets on Direct Rebates (With PPG)

March 24, 2021

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Direct rebates aren’t always top of mind for multifamily builders, but with their earnings potential, they should be. Recently, HomeSphere’s Mike Rosenbach and Patrick Brandon sat down with Robert Salmen and Jason Barnes of PPG to discuss all things direct rebates for a quick, 15-minute webinar. 

Salmen and Barnes provide real answers on a variety of topics from why brands offer direct rebates, to what builders should know about them and useful info like what makes a direct relationship go sour. Salmen serves as PPG’s senior corporate account manager for their multifamily segment, while Barnes serves as their senior national account manager for multifamily.  

In this webinar, you’ll hear: 

  • A quick background on PPG  
  • A discussion between HomeSphere and PPG on how direct rebates work and what builders can expect 
  • What a brand like PPG looks for in builder partners 
  • What brands wish you knew about direct rebates 
  • And more 

Who should watch: 

Multifamily builders — including current HomeSphere builders who are on the HomeSphere Rebate Program and builders new to HomeSphere — who are interested in earning cash back on the building products you use. (Use PPG in your projects? This webinar is a must-see.) 

Watch “Insider Secrets on Direct Rebates (With PPG)”

See the full webinar now and hear all the insider secrets on direct rebates from PPG now. 

Highlights from the webinar 

Salmen and Barnes address five primary questions: 

  • Why do you offer direct rebates to builders? 
  • What are you looking for in your builder partners? 
  • What do you wish builders knew about direct rebates before they talk to you? 
  • How can direct rebate relationships go poorly? 
  • Why do you think some builders hesitate to go direct? 

We won’t spoil their answers, but they do bring up some good points about direct rebates that we’ll highlight here. 

Direct rebates are as much about the direct relationship as the rebate. Brands want real partners to form stronger business partnershipsToward that, PPG offers exclusive value-added programs to their partners. When builders work closely with brands, they also gain useful knowledge like recognizing when they’re being up-charged further down the supply chain.  

Builder company size when considering direct rebates is not as important as other factors. A lot of builders assume they are too small to pursue direct rebates, however, as PPG discusses, company size is not as important as factors like open communication with brands and a desire to be a true partner.  

Direct rebates won’t box you in. Direct rebates are paid on third-party purchases — they do not require direct purchases from the brand. Additionally, direct programs aren’t exclusive nor do they lock builders into one vendor.  

Hear Salmen’s and Barnes’ full answers and see how HomeSphere can help manage direct rebate agreements.

Watch the webinar now 

Or, get in touch with our Direct Rebate team to learn more about direct rebates and how HomeSphere can help you pursue and manage them.

Looking for the basics? Learn more about direct rebates.

Get a short overview of what direct rebates are and how to pursue them. Mike Rosenbach and Patrick Brandon also bust popular direct rebate myths — see if you’ve got the wrong impression now.   

Watch “Super Charge Your Rebate Earnings 

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